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Steps to avoid depression after divorce

Most commonly every couple will suffer depression after their divorce. Even if they want divorce before they realize their situation they will feel loneliness due to the despair of the other. In most cases they feel more depressed due to the missing of their lovable kids. Their some simple ways to be followed by the divorced couple:

  • Get Friends Help

Divorce is a difficult thing to face in life at that time ask help from your friends so that they can help you to get rid of that pain and depression. Don’t be shy or afraid to share things and ask help from friends.

  • Do your work

Don’t care for what other people says. Be confident with what you are doing and pay more attention at your work or business.

  • Do Good things

Pay attention to do the good things like prayers, play with kids, read good books and try to be happy always. Find out new things or hobbies which makes you tick and allow yourself to engage in a fun activity.

  • Forget the past

In fact divorce is a bad experience so try to forget all those things like a bad dream. There is a small saying “Past is Past”. It’s true that things are already passed from your life it won’t return so forget them.

  • Music

Listen to music. Music is always good for everyone to keep their mind relax.

  • Get Counsel:

Go to counseling if you need some external help to avoid depression. Do meditation regularly.

  • Take Rest

Eat well and take good sleep.

  • Do Exercise

Exercise daily especially the breathing exercise this will surely help you to get rid of stress and depression. It also gives you a healthy and good life.

  • New Way

Think positive. Look life in a new different way. It’s the right time for  to you to work out more with new opportunities without any control or restrictions.